(2024.02.11 随時更新中)
Function Interpolation3D(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, ByVal z As Double, ParamArray ranges() As Variant) As Double
Dim z1, z2 As Double
Dim z1_index, z2_index As Long
Dim nz As Long
Dim f1, f2, f As Double
'Get reference values of z and its index
nz = (UBound(ranges, 1) + 1) / 4 - 1
For i = 0 To nz - 1
If ranges(4 * i + 2) <= z And ranges(4 * (i + 1) + 2) >= z Then
z1_index = i
z2_index = i + 1
z1 = ranges(4 * z1_index + 2)
z2 = ranges(4 * z2_index + 2)
End If
Next i
'Constant value extrapolation in out of range of known values
If z <= ranges(4 * 0 + 2) Then z1_index = 0
If z >= ranges(4 * nz + 2) Then z1_index = nz - 1
'Get interpolated values against x and y
f1 = Interpolation2D(x, y, ranges(4 * z1_index + 0), ranges(4 * z1_index + 1), ranges(4 * z1_index + 3))
f2 = Interpolation2D(x, y, ranges(4 * z2_index + 0), ranges(4 * z2_index + 1), ranges(4 * z2_index + 3))
'Get interpolated values against z
If z <= ranges(2) Then
f = f1
ElseIf z >= ranges(4 * nz + 2) Then
f = f2
f = f1 + (f2 - f1) / (z2 - z1) * (z - z1)
End If
Interpolation3D = f
End Function
Function Interpolation2D(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, ByRef x_range As Variant, ByRef y_range As Variant, ByRef f_range As Variant) As Double
'1:lower, 2:upper
Dim y1, y2 As Double 'reference value both sides of y
Dim y1_index, y2_index As Long 'reference value index both sides of y
Dim f1, f2, f As Double 'interpolated value
Dim tmp() As Variant
Dim i As Long
' Get reference value index of y
With WorksheetFunction
If y < .Min(y_range) Then y = .Min(y_range) 'Constant value extrapolation in range under lower limit
y1_index = .Match(y, y_range, 1)
y2_index = .Min(y1_index + 1, y_range.Count) 'Constant value extrapolation in range over the upper limit
End With 'if x or y out of known value range, 1 and 2 indexes become same value
' Get reference values of y
y1 = y_range(y1_index)
y2 = y_range(y2_index)
' Get reference values of f
f1 = Interpolation1D(x, x_range, f_range(y1_index))
f2 = Interpolation1D(x, x_range, f_range(y2_index))
'Get interpolated values against y
If y2 <> y1 Then
f = f1 + (f2 - f1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1)
f = f1
End If
Interpolation2D = f
End Function
Function Interpolation1D(ByVal x As Double, ByRef x_range As Variant, ByRef f_range As Variant) As Double
'1:lower, 2:upper
Dim x1, x2 As Double 'reference value both sides of x
Dim x1_index, x2_index As Long 'reference value index both sides of x
Dim f, f1, f2 As Double 'interpolated value
Dim tmp() As Variant
Dim i As Long
' Get reference value index of x
With WorksheetFunction
If x < .Min(x_range) Then x = .Min(x_range) 'Constant value extrapolation in range under lower limit
x1_index = .Match(x, x_range, 1)
x2_index = .Min(x1_index + 1, x_range.Count) 'Constant value extrapolation in range over the upper limit
End With 'if x or y out of known value range, 1 and 2 indexes become same value
' Get reference values of x
x1 = x_range(x1_index)
x2 = x_range(x2_index)
' Get reference values of f
f1 = f_range(x1_index)
f2 = f_range(x2_index)
'Get interpolated values against x
If x2 <> x1 Then
f = f1 + (f2 - f1) * (x - x1) / (x2 - x1)
f = f1
End If
Interpolation1D = f
End Function
Function InterpolationLinear(ByVal x As Double, ByVal x1 As Double, ByVal f1 As Double, ByVal x2 As Double, ByVal f2 As Double) As Double
'1:start, 2:end
Dim f As Double
Dim i As Long
'Get interpolated values against x
If x2 <> x1 Then
f = f1 + (f2 - f1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1)
f = f1
End If
InterpolationLinear = f
End Function
Sub VLM()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim sht0 As Worksheet
Dim alpha As Double '迎角 [deg]
Dim chord() As Variant 'コード長 [m]
Dim chord_cp() As Variant 'コード長 [m] 'コントロールポイントでのコード長 [m]
Dim cp() As Variant 'i番目の要素のcontrol point [m]
Dim sp1() As Variant 'i番目の要素のsurface point1 [m]
Dim sp2() As Variant 'i番目の要素のsurface point2 [m]
Dim x() As Variant 'x座標 [m]
Dim y() As Variant 'y座標 [m]
Dim z() As Variant 'z座標 [m]
Dim xc, zc As Double '翼型座標
Dim dzdx() As Variant 'キャンバーラインの傾き @cp [-]
Dim Cij() As Variant 'j番目のU字渦がi番目のcpに誘導する速度を表す係数
Dim dx1 As Double 'dx1=xi-x1j
Dim dx2 As Double 'dx2=xi-x2j
Dim dy1 As Double 'dy1=yi-y1j
Dim dy2 As Double 'dy2=yi-y2j
Dim r1 As Double 'r1=sqrt(dx1^2+dy1^2)
Dim r2 As Double 'r2=sqrt(dx2^2+dy2^2)
Dim circulation() As Double '循環 [m^2/s].Γc.Circulation
Dim circulation_chord() As Variant 'コード方向の循環の和 [m^2/s].Γc.Circulation
Dim Lift As Double
Dim rho As Double
Dim sum As Double
Dim pi As Double: pi = 4 * Atn(1) '円周率
Dim rad As Double: rad = (pi / 180) 'degからradへの変換
Dim deg As Double: deg = (180 / pi) 'radからdegへの変換
Dim matrix1() As Variant
Dim matrix2() As Variant
Dim nx, ny As Long 'コード方向分割数、セミスパン方向分割数
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Set sht = Worksheets("Wing Geometry")
Set sht0 = Worksheets("VLM")
alpha = 0 '迎角 [deg]
Sref = sht.Cells(3, 4) '面積 [m^2]
b = sht.Cells(4, 4) 'スパン [m]
cMAC = sht.Cells(6, 4) '平均空力翼弦長 [m]
lambda025 = sht.Cells(11, 4) '1/4コードライン後退角
Lambda = sht.Cells(13, 4) 'テーパー比
c0 = sht.Cells(14, 4) '翼根コード長 [m]
theta_r = sht.Cells(23, 4) '翼根取付角 [deg]
theta = sht.Cells(25, 4) 'ねじり下げ [deg]
tbarc = sht.Cells(32, 4) '翼厚比 [-]
V = Worksheets("Summary").Cells(2, 4) '対気速度 [m/s]
rho = Worksheets("Summary").Cells(20, 4) '空気密度 [kg/m^3]
Dim tmp As Variant
sht0.Range(sht0.Range(sht0.Cells(5, 5), sht0.Cells(5, 5).End(xlDown)), sht0.Range(sht0.Cells(5, 5), sht0.Cells(5, 5).End(xlDown)).End(xlToRight)).ClearContents
sht0.Range(sht0.Cells(2, 5), sht0.Cells(2, 5).End(xlToRight)).ClearContents
tmp = sht0.Range(sht0.Cells(5, 2), sht0.Cells(5, 2).End(xlDown))
ny = (UBound(tmp) - 1) / 2 'セミスパン方向分割数
nx = 16
ReDim chord(2 * ny)
ReDim chord_cp(2 * ny - 1)
For i = 0 To 2 * ny
chord(i) = c0 * (1 + (Lambda - 1) * Abs(sht0.Cells(5 + i, 4)))
Next i
For i = 0 To 2 * ny - 1
chord_cp(i) = (chord(i) + chord(i + 1)) / 2
Next i
ReDim x((2 * ny + 1) * nx + 2 * ny)
ReDim y((2 * ny + 1) * nx + 2 * ny)
ReDim z((2 * ny + 1) * nx + 2 * ny)
rad = (4 * Atn(1)) / 180
'x,y,zを計算 '桁位置が原点 '左翼端が0,右翼端が2*span_divisions
For i = 0 To 2 * ny
For j = 0 To nx
num = i * nx + i + j
xc = (j / nx)
zc = 5 * tbarc * (0.2969 * Sqr(xc) - 0.126 * xc - 0.3516 * (xc ^ 2) + 0.2843 * (xc ^ 3) - 0.1015 * (xc ^ 4))
z(num) = chord(i) * zc
y(num) = sht0.Cells(5 + i, 4) * (b / 2)
x(num) = (Abs(y(num)) * Tan(rad * lambda025) - 0.25 * chord(i)) + chord(i) * xc
Next j
Next i
ReDim cp(2, 2 * ny * nx - 1)
ReDim sp1(2, 2 * ny * nx - 1)
ReDim sp2(2, 2 * ny * nx - 1)
ReDim dzdx(2 * ny * nx - 1)
For i = 0 To 2 * ny - 1
For j = 0 To nx - 1
num1 = i * nx + j 'cp
num2 = i * nx + i + j 'xyz
cp(0, num1) = ((x(num2) * 1 + x(num2 + 1) * 3) / 4 + (x(num2 + nx + 1) * 1 + x(num2 + nx + 2) * 3) / 4) / 2
cp(1, num1) = ((y(num2) * 1 + y(num2 + 1) * 3) / 4 + (y(num2 + nx + 1) * 1 + y(num2 + nx + 2) * 3) / 4) / 2
cp(2, num1) = 0
sp1(0, num1) = (x(num2) * 3 + x(num2 + 1) * 1) / 4
sp1(1, num1) = (y(num2) * 3 + y(num2 + 1) * 1) / 4
sp1(2, num1) = 0
sp2(0, num1) = (x(num2 + nx + 1) * 3 + x(num2 + nx + 2) * 1) / 4
sp2(1, num1) = (y(num2 + nx + 1) * 3 + y(num2 + nx + 2) * 1) / 4
sp2(2, num1) = 0
dzdx(num1) = ((z(num2 + 1) + z(num2 + nx + 2)) / 2 - (z(num2) + z(num2 + nx + 1)) / 2) / ((x(num2 + 1) + x(num2 + nx + 2)) / 2 - (x(num2) + x(num2 + nx + 1)) / 2)
Next j
Next i
ReDim Cij(2 * ny * nx - 1, 2 * ny * nx - 1)
For i = 0 To 2 * ny * nx - 1
For j = 0 To 2 * ny * nx - 1
dx1 = cp(0, i) - sp1(0, j) 'dx1=xi-x1j
dx2 = cp(0, i) - sp2(0, j) 'dx2=xi-x2j
dy1 = cp(1, i) - sp1(1, j) 'dy1=yi-y1j
dy2 = cp(1, i) - sp2(1, j) 'dy2=yi-y2j
r1 = Sqr(dx1 ^ 2 + dy1 ^ 2) 'r1=sqrt(dx1^2+dy1^2)
r2 = Sqr(dx2 ^ 2 + dy2 ^ 2) 'r2=sqrt(dx2^2+dy2^2)
Cij(i, j) = (1 / (dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2)) * (((dx1 - dx2) * dx1 + (dy1 - dy2) * dy1) / r1 - ((dx1 - dx2) * dx2 + (dy1 - dy2) * dy2) / r2) - (1 / dy1) * (1 + dx1 / r1) + (1 / dy2) * (1 + dx2 / r2)
Next j
Next i
For k = 0 To 10
alpha = sht0.Cells(3, 5 + k)
ReDim matrix1(2 * ny * nx - 1, 2 * ny * nx - 1)
ReDim matrix2(2 * ny * nx - 1)
For i = 0 To 2 * ny * nx - 1
For j = 0 To 2 * ny * nx - 1
matrix1(i, j) = Cij(i, j) ' * cMAC
Next j
Next i
For i = 0 To 2 * ny * nx - 1
matrix2(i) = -4 * pi * V * (alpha * rad - dzdx(i) + (theta_r + theta * Abs(cp(1, i) / (b / 2))) * rad) ' * (2 / V)
Next i
circulation = ans(2 * ny * nx, matrix1, matrix2)
'For i = 0 To 2 * ny - 1
' If pb2V <> 0 Then circulation(i) = circulation(i) / pb2V
'Next i
ReDim circulation_chord(2 * ny - 1)
For i = 0 To 2 * ny - 1
For j = 0 To nx - 1
num1 = i * nx + j 'cp
circulation_chord(i) = circulation_chord(i) + circulation(num1)
Next j
Next i
For i = 1 To 2 * ny - 1
sht0.Cells(5 + i, 5 + k) = 0.5 * (circulation_chord(i - 1) + circulation_chord(i)) * (2 / chord(i) / V)
Next i
sht0.Cells(5 + 0, 5 + k) = 0
sht0.Cells(5 + 2 * ny, 5 + k) = 0
Lift = 0
For i = 0 To 2 * ny - 1
Lift = Lift + rho * V * circulation_chord(i) * Abs(y(i * nx) - y((i + 1) * nx))
Next i
sht0.Cells(2, 5 + k) = Lift / (0.5 * rho * V * V * Sref)
Next k
sht0.Range("U3").GoalSeek Goal:=0, ChangingCell:=sht0.Range("T3")
End Sub
Public Function ans(ByVal n As Integer, ByRef A() As Variant, ByRef b() As Variant) As Double()
'参考文献:「解析塾秘伝!有限要素法のつくり方」 p.82-
Dim pivot As Double 'マトリックスの体格成分
Dim p As Double '計算に使用するマトリックスの成分
Dim x() As Double '解を入れる配列
ReDim x(n - 1)
Dim r As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim rr As Integer
Dim cc As Integer
For r = 0 To n - 1
pivot = A(r, r) '対角成分をpivotに代入
For c = r To n - 1
A(r, c) = A(r, c) / pivot
Next c
b(r) = b(r) / pivot
For rr = r + 1 To n - 1
p = A(rr, r)
For cc = r To n - 1
A(rr, cc) = A(rr, cc) - p * A(r, cc)
Next cc
b(rr) = b(rr) - p * b(r)
Next rr
Next r
For r = n - 1 To 0 Step -1
x(r) = b(r)
For c = r + 1 To n - 1
x(r) = x(r) - A(r, c) * x(c)
Next c
Next r
ans = x
End Function