import openvsp as vsp
PARM_TYPE = ['int', 'double', 'string', 'array'] # パラメータの型リスト(整数、浮動小数点、文字列、配列)
# すべての解析をループして処理
for analysis in vsp.ListAnalysis():
vsp.SetAnalysisInputDefaults(analysis) # 解析のデフォルト入力値を設定
analysis_doc = vsp.GetAnalysisDoc(analysis) # 解析の説明ドキュメントを取得
print(f'[{analysis}] - {analysis_doc}') # 解析名とその説明を出力
print('-'*144) # 区切り線を表示
# 入力タイプ、入力名、説明、デフォルト値をヘッダとして表示
print(f'{"input_type":12s}', f'{"input":26s}', f'{"input_doc":70s}', f'{"input_default":15s}', )
print('-'*144) # 区切り線を表示
# 解析に関連するすべての入力を処理
for input in vsp.GetAnalysisInputNames(analysis):
input_doc = vsp.GetAnalysisInputDoc(analysis, input) # 入力パラメータの説明を取得
input_type = vsp.GetAnalysisInputType(analysis, input) # 入力パラメータのタイプを取得
# 入力のタイプに応じて値を取得
if input_type == 1: # double 型
values = vsp.GetDoubleAnalysisInput(analysis, input)
if input_type == 0: # int 型
values = vsp.GetIntAnalysisInput(analysis, input)
if input_type == 3: # Vec3d 型(3次元ベクトル)
values = vsp.GetVec3dAnalysisInput(analysis, input)
if input_type == 2: # string 型
values = vsp.GetStringAnalysisInput(analysis, input)
# 複数の値がある場合は、最初の値を取得
values = values[0] if len(values) > 0 else values
# パラメータの型、名前、説明、デフォルト値を出力
print(f'{PARM_TYPE[input_type]:12s}', f'{input:26s}', f'{input_doc:70s}', f'{str(values):15s}',)
print() # 空行を挿入
[BladeElement] - Export a propeller in a blade element format
input_type input input_doc input_default
string BEMFileName File name for BEM file.
int ExportBEMFlag Flag to control whether a BEM file is written. 0
string PropID GeomID of propeller.
[CfdMeshAnalysis] - Generate CFD surface mesh of model.
input_type input input_doc input_default
double BaseLen Maximum target edge length. 0.5
int ExportRawFlag Flag to export raw intersection points. 0
int FACETFileFlag Flag to enable FACET file export. 1
string FACETFileName File name for FACET file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.facet
int GMSHFileFlag Flag to enable GMSH file export. 1
string GMSHFileName File name for GMSH file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.msh
int GenerateHalfMesh Flag to generate a half mesh in +Y domain. 0
double GrowthRatio Maximum edge length growth ratio. 1.3
int IntersectSubSurfs Flag to include subsurfaces in model. 1
double MaxGap Maximum sagitta of circle inscribed to local curvature. 0.005
double MinLen Minimum target edge length. 0.1
double NCircSeg Number of segments to divide a circle inscribed to local curvature. 16.0
int OBJFileFlag Flag to enable OBJ file export. 1
string OBJFileName File name for OBJ file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.obj
int POLYFileFlag Flag to enable Poly file export. 1
string POLYFileName File name for Poly file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.poly
double RelCurveTol Tolerance used when constructing binary adapted curves. 0.01
int RigorLimit Flag to enable rigorous growth limiting across 3D space. 0
int STLFileFlag Flag to enable STL file export. 1
string STLFileName File name for STL file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.stl
int SelectedDegenSetIndex Degenerate (thin) geometry set for analysis. -1
int SelectedSetIndex Normal (thick) geometry set for analysis. 0
int TRIFileFlag Flag to enable TRI file export. 1
string TRIFileName File name for TRI file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.tri
int TaggedMultiSolid Flag to enable non-standard tagged multi-solid STL file export. 0
int XYZIntCurveFlag Flag to include X,Y,Z intersection curves in *.srf file. 0
[CompGeom] - Compute watertight triangle mesh via constructive solid geometry and compute wetted areas and volumes.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int DegenSet Degenerate geometry Set for analysis. -1
int HalfMeshFlag Flag to control whether Y >= 0 half mesh is generated. 0
int Set Normal geometry Set for analysis. 0
int SubSurfFlag Flag to control whether subsurfaces are used in analysis. 1
int WriteCSVFlag Flag to control whether CSV file is written. 1
[CpSlicer] - Post-process VSPAERO solution to produce Cp slices
input_type input input_doc input_default
int AnalysisMethod Flag to indicate analysis method (thin vs. thick). 0
double XSlicePosVec Vector of X slices. ()
double YSlicePosVec Vector of Y slices. ()
double ZSlicePosVec Vector of Z slices. ()
[DegenGeom] - Compute degenerate geometry representations of model.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int Set Geometry Set for analysis. 0
int WriteCSVFlag Flag to control whether CSV file is written. 1
int WriteMFileFlag Flag to control whether Matlab file is written. 1
[EmintonLord] - Perform Eminton-Lord integration of area distribution to compute wave drag.
input_type input input_doc input_default
double Area_vec Area distribution observations. ()
double X_vec Stations for area observations. ()
[FeaMeshAnalysis] - Generate structure parts and finite element mesh of model.
input_type input input_doc input_default
double BaseLen Maximum target edge length. 0.5
int CADLabelDelim Delimiter enum to separate components of CAD surface label. 0
int CADLabelID Flag to include GeomID in CAD surface label. 1
int CADLabelName Flag to include Geom name in CAD surface label. 1
int CADLabelSplitNo Flag to include surface split number in CAD surface label. 1
int CADLabelSurfNo Flag to include surface number in CAD surface label. 1
int CADLenUnit Model length unit enum included in CAD file export. 4
int CALCULIXFileFlag Flag to enable CalculiX file export. 1
string CALCULIXFileName File name for CalculiX file export.
int CURVFileFlag Flag to enable CURV file export. 1
string CURVFileName File name for CURV file export.
int ExportRawFlag Flag to export raw intersection points. 0
int GMSHFileFlag Flag to enable GMSH file export. 1
string GMSHFileName File name for GMSH file export.
double GrowthRatio Maximum edge length growth ratio. 1.3
int HalfMeshFlag Flag to generate a half mesh in +Y domain. 0
int IGESFileFlag Flag to enable IGES file export. 1
string IGESFileName File name for IGES file export.
int MASSFileFlag Flag to enable MASS file export. 1
string MASSFileName File name for MASS file export.
double MaxGap Maximum sagitta of circle inscribed to local curvature. 0.005
double MinLen Minimum target edge length. 0.025
int NASTRANFileFlag Flag to enable NASTRAN file export. 1
string NASTRANFileName File name for NASTRAN file export.
double NCircSeg Number of segments to divide a circle inscribed to local curvature. 16.0
int NKEYFileFlag Flag to enable NASTRAN Key file export. 1
string NKEYFileName File name for NASTRAN Key file export.
int P3DFileFlag Flag to enable Plot3D file export. 1
string P3DFileName File name for Plot3D file export.
double RelCurveTol Tolerance used when constructing binary adapted curves. 0.005
int RigorLimit Flag to enable rigorous growth limiting across 3D space. 0
int SRFFileFlag Flag to enable SRF file export. 1
string SRFFileName File name for SRF file export.
int STEPFileFlag Flag to enable STEP file export. 1
string STEPFileName File name for STEP file export.
int STEPRepresentation Flag to control whether STEP representation is shell or BREP solid. 1
double STEPTol Tolerance output to STEP files. 1e-06
int STLFileFlag Flag to enable STL file export. 1
string STLFileName File name for STL file export.
int XYZIntCurveFlag Flag to include X,Y,Z intersection curves in *.srf file. 0
[MassProp] - Compute mass properties of model.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int MassSliceDir Direction for mass property slicing. 0
int NumMassSlices Number of slices. 20
int Set Geometry Set for analysis. 0
[ParasiteDrag] - Compute parasite drag buildup of a model.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int AltLengthUnit Altitude length unit enum. 0
double Altitude Altitude. 3000.0
double DeltaTemp Temperature deviation. 0.0
double Density Density. 0.0021750959698769545
double DynaVisc Dynamic viscoscity 3.6769995286356176e-07
int ExportSubCompFlag Flag to export sub components. 0
string FileName File name. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A_ParasiteBuildUp.csv
int FreestreamPropChoice Freestream property input mode choice. 0
int GeomSet Geometry Set for analysis. 0
double KineVisc Kinematic viscoscity 0.0001690499904169114
int LamCfEqnChoice Laminar skin friction coefficient equation enum. 0
int LengthUnit Model length unit enum. 2
double Mach Mach. 0.0890817992489726
int PresUnit Pressure unit enum. 0
double Pressure Pressure. 1896.6407475499288
double Re_L Reynolds number per unit length. 1910188.2922614333
int RecomputeGeom Flag to recompute geometry. 1
int RefFlag Flag to control how reference quantities are set. 1
double SpecificHeatRatio Ratio of specific heats 1.4
double Sref Reference area. 17.88185312625759
int TempUnit Temperature unit enum. 2
double Temperature Temperature. 48.301519999999925
int TurbCfEqnChoice Trubulent skin friction coefficient equation enum. 6
int VelocityUnit Airspeed unit enum. 1
double Vinf Airspeed. 30.0
string WingID Reference wing GeomID.
[PlanarSlice] - Generate array of planar slices of model and calculate areas.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int AutoBoundFlag Flag to enable automatic bounds calculation. 1
double EndVal Ending coordinate for slicing. 10.0
int MeasureDuct Flag to enable measure duct mode. 0
array Norm Slice normal vector. <openvsp.vsp.vec3d; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'vec3d *' at 0x000002A9FFCC71E0> >
int NumSlices Number of slices. 10
int Set Geometry Set for analysis. 0
double StartVal Starting coordinate for slicing. 0.0
[Projection] - Compute projected area of model.
input_type input input_doc input_default
string BoundaryGeomID Boundary GeomID.
int BoundarySet Boundary geometry Set for analysis. 0
int BoundaryType Boundary type enum. 0
array Direction Direction vector. <openvsp.vsp.vec3d; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'vec3d *' at 0x000002A9FFCC71E0> >
string DirectionGeomID Direction GeomID.
int DirectionType Projection direction enum. 0
string TargetGeomID Target GeomID.
int TargetSet Target geometry Set for analysis. 0
int TargetType Target type enum. 0
[SurfaceIntersection] - Intersect surfaces and generate CAD-exchange files including BREP solids.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int CADLabelDelim Delimiter enum to separate components of CAD surface label. 0
int CADLabelID Flag to include GeomID in CAD surface label. 1
int CADLabelName Flag to include Geom name in CAD surface label. 1
int CADLabelSplitNo Flag to include surface split number in CAD surface label. 1
int CADLabelSurfNo Flag to include surface number in CAD surface label. 1
int CADLenUnit Model length unit enum included in CAD file export. 4
int CURVFileFlag Flag to enable CURV file export. 1
string CURVFileName File name for CURV file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.curv
int ExportRawFlag Flag to export raw intersection points. 0
int IGESFileFlag Flag to enable IGES file export. 1
string IGESFileName File name for IGES file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.igs
int IntersectSubSurfs Flag to include subsurfaces in model. 1
int P3DFileFlag Flag to enable Plot3D file export. 1
string P3DFileName File name for Plot3D file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.p3d
double RelCurveTol Tolerance used when constructing binary adapted curves. 0.01
int SRFFileFlag Flag to enable SRF file export. 1
string SRFFileName File name for SRF file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.srf
int STEPFileFlag Flag to enable STEP file export. 1
string STEPFileName File name for STEP file export. c:/Users/mtkbirdman/OneDrive/Documents/OpenVSP/G103A/G103A.stp
int STEPRepresentation Flag to control whether STEP representation is shell or BREP solid. 1
double STEPTol Tolerance output to STEP files. 1e-06
int SelectedDegenSetIndex Degen (thin) geometry set for analysis. -1
int SelectedSetIndex Normal (thick) geometry set for analysis. 0
[SurfacePatches] - Compute structured grid of points and normals for all surface patches.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int Set Geometry Set for analysis. 0
[VSPAEROComputeGeometry] - Prepare a watertight triangle mesh for VSPAERO analysis.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int AlternateInputFormatFlag Flag to use alternate input file format. 0
int AnalysisMethod Flag to indicate analysis method (thin vs. thick). 0
int GeomSet Geometry Set for analysis. 0
int Symmetry Symmetry mode enum. 1
[VSPAERODegenGeom] - Prepare a degen geometry for VSPAERO analysis.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int GeomSet Geometry Set for analysis. 0
[VSPAEROReadPreviousAnalysis] - Read prior VSPAERO analysis from file.
input_type input input_doc input_default
[VSPAEROSinglePoint] - Perform VSPAERO analysis at a single flow condition.
input_type input input_doc input_default
[VSPAEROSweep] - Perform VSPAERO calculation while sweeping flow condition.
input_type input input_doc input_default
int 2DFEMFlag Flag to write 2D FEM file. 0
int ActuatorDiskFlag Flag to model propellers or rotors as actuator disks. 0
double AlphaEnd Alpha sweep end point. 12.0
int AlphaNpts Number of points in alpha sweep. 9
double AlphaStart Alpha sweep starting point. -4.0
int AlternateInputFormatFlag Flag to use alternate input file format. 0
int AnalysisMethod Flag to indicate analysis method (thin vs. thick). 0
int AutoTimeNumRevs Number of desired revolutions for computing automatic time step. 5
int AutoTimeStepFlag Flag to automatically determine time step. 1
double BetaEnd Beta sweep end point. 0.0
int BetaNpts Number of points in Beta sweep. 1
double BetaStart Beta sweep starting point. 0.0
int CGGeomSet Geometry set for center of gravity computation. 0
double Clmax CL max value. -1.0
int ClmaxToggle Flag to enable stall model. 0
double FarDist Far field distance. -1.0
int FarDistToggle Far field distance toggle. 0
int FixedWakeFlag Flag to use fixed wake with no relaxation. 0
int FromSteadyState Start unsteady solution from steady state. 0
int GeomSet Geometry Set for analysis. 0
double GroundEffect Height aboe ground. -1.0
int GroundEffectToggle Flag to enable ground effect model. 0
double HoverRamp Hover ramp value. 0.0
int HoverRampFlag Flag to enable hover ramp. 0
int KTCorrection Compressibility correction enum. 0
double MachEnd Mach number sweep end point. 0.1
int MachNpts Number of points in Mach number sweep. 1
double MachStart Mach number sweep starting point. 0.0
double Machref Reference Mach number. 0.3
int ManualVrefFlag Flag to enable setting Vref different from Vinf. 0
int MassSliceDir Slicing direction for mass properties. 0
double MaxTurnAngle Max turning angle value. -1.0
int MaxTurnToggle Flag to enable max turning model. 0
int NCPU Number of processors to use for computation. 4
int NoiseCalcFlag Flag to enable noise calculations. 0
int NoiseCalcType Noise calculation type enum. 0
int NoiseUnits Units ot use for noise calculations. 0
int NumMassSlice Number of slices for CG computation. 10
int NumTimeSteps Number of time steps in unsteady simulation. 100
int NumWakeNodes Number of wake nodes. 64
int Precondition Matrix preconditioner mode enum. 0
double ReCref Reynolds number sweep starting point. 4400000.0
double ReCrefEnd Reynolds number sweep end point. 20000000.0
int ReCrefNpts Number of points in Reynolds number sweep. 1
string RedirectFile File to redirect output ('stdout' to console, '' to suppress). stdout
int RefFlag Flag to control how reference quantities are set. 1
double Rho Freestream density. 0.002377
int RotateBladesFlag Flag to model propellers or rotors as unsteady rotating blades. 0
double Sref Reference area. 17.88185312625759
int Symmetry Symmetry mode enum. 1
double TimeStepSize Unsteady time step. 0.00125
int UnsteadyType Stability and control mode enum. 0
double Vinf Freestream airspeed. 30.0
double Vref Reference airspeed. 30.0
int WakeNumIter Number of wake iterations. 5
string WingID Reference wing GeomID.
double Xcg X moment reference point. 2.8699999999999997
double Ycg Y moment reference point. 0.0
double Zcg Z moment reference point. 0.164
double bref Reference span. 17.536552870371967
double cref Reference chord. 0.9963858788629476
[WaveDrag] - Compute the wave drag of a model.
input_type input input_doc input_default
double Mach Mach number. 1.5
int NumRotSects Number of slices around influence cone. 10
int NumSlices Number if axial slices. 20
string SSFlow_vec Propulsive face subsurface ID's. ()
int Set Geometry Set for analysis. 0
int SymmFlag Symmetry flag. 1
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
string | BEMFileName | File name for BEM file. | |
int | ExportBEMFlag | Flag to control whether a BEM file is written. | 0 |
string | PropID | GeomID of propeller. |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
double | BaseLen | Maximum target edge length. | 0.5 |
int | ExportRawFlag | Flag to export raw intersection points. | 0 |
int | FACETFileFlag | Flag to enable FACET file export. | 1 |
string | FACETFileName | File name for FACET file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.facet |
int | GMSHFileFlag | Flag to enable GMSH file export. | 1 |
string | GMSHFileName | File name for GMSH file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.msh |
int | GenerateHalfMesh | Flag to generate a half mesh in +Y domain. | 0 |
double | GrowthRatio | Maximum edge length growth ratio. | 1.3 |
int | IntersectSubSurfs | Flag to include subsurfaces in model. | 1 |
double | MaxGap | Maximum sagitta of circle inscribed to local curvature. | 0.005 |
double | MinLen | Minimum target edge length. | 0.1 |
double | NCircSeg | Number of segments to divide a circle inscribed to local curvature. | 16 |
int | OBJFileFlag | Flag to enable OBJ file export. | 1 |
string | OBJFileName | File name for OBJ file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.obj |
int | POLYFileFlag | Flag to enable Poly file export. | 1 |
string | POLYFileName | File name for Poly file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.poly |
double | RelCurveTol | Tolerance used when constructing binary adapted curves. | 0.01 |
int | RigorLimit | Flag to enable rigorous growth limiting across 3D space. | 0 |
int | STLFileFlag | Flag to enable STL file export. | 1 |
string | STLFileName | File name for STL file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.stl |
int | SelectedDegenSetIndex | Degenerate (thin) geometry set for analysis. | -1 |
int | SelectedSetIndex | Normal (thick) geometry set for analysis. | 0 |
int | TRIFileFlag | Flag to enable TRI file export. | 1 |
string | TRIFileName | File name for TRI file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.tri |
int | TaggedMultiSolid | Flag to enable non-standard tagged multi-solid STL file export. | 0 |
int | XYZIntCurveFlag | Flag to include X,Y,Z intersection curves in *.srf file. | 0 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | DegenSet | Degenerate geometry Set for analysis. | -1 |
int | HalfMeshFlag | Flag to control whether Y >= 0 half mesh is generated. | 0 |
int | Set | Normal geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
int | SubSurfFlag | Flag to control whether subsurfaces are used in analysis. | 1 |
int | WriteCSVFlag | Flag to control whether CSV file is written. | 1 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | AnalysisMethod | Flag to indicate analysis method (thin vs. thick). | 0 |
double | XSlicePosVec | Vector of X slices. | () |
double | YSlicePosVec | Vector of Y slices. | () |
double | ZSlicePosVec | Vector of Z slices. | () |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | Set | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
int | WriteCSVFlag | Flag to control whether CSV file is written. | 1 |
int | WriteMFileFlag | Flag to control whether Matlab file is written. | 1 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
double | Area_vec | Area distribution observations. | () |
double | X_vec | Stations for area observations. | () |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
double | BaseLen | Maximum target edge length. | 0.5 |
int | CADLabelDelim | Delimiter enum to separate components of CAD surface label. | 0 |
int | CADLabelID | Flag to include GeomID in CAD surface label. | 1 |
int | CADLabelName | Flag to include Geom name in CAD surface label. | 1 |
int | CADLabelSplitNo | Flag to include surface split number in CAD surface label. | 1 |
int | CADLabelSurfNo | Flag to include surface number in CAD surface label. | 1 |
int | CADLenUnit | Model length unit enum included in CAD file export. | 4 |
int | CALCULIXFileFlag | Flag to enable CalculiX file export. | 1 |
string | CALCULIXFileName | File name for CalculiX file export. | |
int | CURVFileFlag | Flag to enable CURV file export. | 1 |
string | CURVFileName | File name for CURV file export. | |
int | ExportRawFlag | Flag to export raw intersection points. | 0 |
int | GMSHFileFlag | Flag to enable GMSH file export. | 1 |
string | GMSHFileName | File name for GMSH file export. | |
double | GrowthRatio | Maximum edge length growth ratio. | 1.3 |
int | HalfMeshFlag | Flag to generate a half mesh in +Y domain. | 0 |
int | IGESFileFlag | Flag to enable IGES file export. | 1 |
string | IGESFileName | File name for IGES file export. | |
int | MASSFileFlag | Flag to enable MASS file export. | 1 |
string | MASSFileName | File name for MASS file export. | |
double | MaxGap | Maximum sagitta of circle inscribed to local curvature. | 0.005 |
double | MinLen | Minimum target edge length. | 0.025 |
int | NASTRANFileFlag | Flag to enable NASTRAN file export. | 1 |
string | NASTRANFileName | File name for NASTRAN file export. | |
double | NCircSeg | Number of segments to divide a circle inscribed to local curvature. | 16 |
int | NKEYFileFlag | Flag to enable NASTRAN Key file export. | 1 |
string | NKEYFileName | File name for NASTRAN Key file export. | |
int | P3DFileFlag | Flag to enable Plot3D file export. | 1 |
string | P3DFileName | File name for Plot3D file export. | |
double | RelCurveTol | Tolerance used when constructing binary adapted curves. | 0.005 |
int | RigorLimit | Flag to enable rigorous growth limiting across 3D space. | 0 |
int | SRFFileFlag | Flag to enable SRF file export. | 1 |
string | SRFFileName | File name for SRF file export. | |
int | STEPFileFlag | Flag to enable STEP file export. | 1 |
string | STEPFileName | File name for STEP file export. | |
int | STEPRepresentation | Flag to control whether STEP representation is shell or BREP solid. | 1 |
double | STEPTol | Tolerance output to STEP files. | 1.00E-06 |
int | STLFileFlag | Flag to enable STL file export. | 1 |
string | STLFileName | File name for STL file export. | |
int | XYZIntCurveFlag | Flag to include X,Y,Z intersection curves in *.srf file. | 0 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | MassSliceDir | Direction for mass property slicing. | 0 |
int | NumMassSlices | Number of slices. | 20 |
int | Set | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | AltLengthUnit | Altitude length unit enum. | 0 |
double | Altitude | Altitude. | 3000 |
double | DeltaTemp | Temperature deviation. | 0 |
double | Density | Density. | 0.002175096 |
double | DynaVisc | Dynamic viscoscity | 3.68E-07 |
int | ExportSubCompFlag | Flag to export sub components. | 0 |
string | FileName | File name. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>_ParasiteBuildUp.csv |
int | FreestreamPropChoice | Freestream property input mode choice. | 0 |
int | GeomSet | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
double | KineVisc | Kinematic viscoscity | 0.00016905 |
int | LamCfEqnChoice | Laminar skin friction coefficient equation enum. | 0 |
int | LengthUnit | Model length unit enum. | 2 |
double | Mach | Mach. | 0.089081799 |
int | PresUnit | Pressure unit enum. | 0 |
double | Pressure | Pressure. | 1896.640748 |
double | Re_L | Reynolds number per unit length. | 1910188.292 |
int | RecomputeGeom | Flag to recompute geometry. | 1 |
int | RefFlag | Flag to control how reference quantities are set. | 1 |
double | SpecificHeatRatio | Ratio of specific heats | 1.4 |
double | Sref | Reference area. | 17.88185313 |
int | TempUnit | Temperature unit enum. | 2 |
double | Temperature | Temperature. | 48.30152 |
int | TurbCfEqnChoice | Trubulent skin friction coefficient equation enum. | 6 |
int | VelocityUnit | Airspeed unit enum. | 1 |
double | Vinf | Airspeed. | 30 |
string | WingID | Reference wing GeomID. |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | AutoBoundFlag | Flag to enable automatic bounds calculation. | 1 |
double | EndVal | Ending coordinate for slicing. | 10 |
int | MeasureDuct | Flag to enable measure duct mode. | 0 |
array | Norm | Slice normal vector. | () |
int | NumSlices | Number of slices. | 10 |
int | Set | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
double | StartVal | Starting coordinate for slicing. | 0 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
string | BoundaryGeomID | Boundary GeomID. | |
int | BoundarySet | Boundary geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
int | BoundaryType | Boundary type enum. | 0 |
array | Direction | Direction vector. | () |
string | DirectionGeomID | Direction GeomID. | |
int | DirectionType | Projection direction enum. | 0 |
string | TargetGeomID | Target GeomID. | |
int | TargetSet | Target geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
int | TargetType | Target type enum. | 0 |
サーフェスを交差させ、BREP ソリッドを含む CAD 交換ファイルを生成する
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | CADLabelDelim | Delimiter enum to separate components of CAD surface label. | 0 |
int | CADLabelID | Flag to include GeomID in CAD surface label. | 1 |
int | CADLabelName | Flag to include Geom name in CAD surface label. | 1 |
int | CADLabelSplitNo | Flag to include surface split number in CAD surface label. | 1 |
int | CADLabelSurfNo | Flag to include surface number in CAD surface label. | 1 |
int | CADLenUnit | Model length unit enum included in CAD file export. | 4 |
int | CURVFileFlag | Flag to enable CURV file export. | 1 |
string | CURVFileName | File name for CURV file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.curv |
int | ExportRawFlag | Flag to export raw intersection points. | 0 |
int | IGESFileFlag | Flag to enable IGES file export. | 1 |
string | IGESFileName | File name for IGES file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.igs |
int | IntersectSubSurfs | Flag to include subsurfaces in model. | 1 |
int | P3DFileFlag | Flag to enable Plot3D file export. | 1 |
string | P3DFileName | File name for Plot3D file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.p3d |
double | RelCurveTol | Tolerance used when constructing binary adapted curves. | 0.01 |
int | SRFFileFlag | Flag to enable SRF file export. | 1 |
string | SRFFileName | File name for SRF file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.srf |
int | STEPFileFlag | Flag to enable STEP file export. | 1 |
string | STEPFileName | File name for STEP file export. | <path to your vsp file>/<your file name>.stp |
int | STEPRepresentation | Flag to control whether STEP representation is shell or BREP solid. | 1 |
double | STEPTol | Tolerance output to STEP files. | 1.00E-06 |
int | SelectedDegenSetIndex | Degen (thin) geometry set for analysis. | -1 |
int | SelectedSetIndex | Normal (thick) geometry set for analysis. | 0 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | Set | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | AlternateInputFormatFlag | Flag to use alternate input file format. | 0 |
int | AnalysisMethod | Flag to indicate analysis method (thin vs. thick). | 0 |
int | GeomSet | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
int | Symmetry | Symmetry mode enum. | 1 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | Set | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
int | 2DFEMFlag | Flag to write 2D FEM file. | 0 |
int | ActuatorDiskFlag | Flag to model propellers or rotors as actuator disks. | 0 |
double | AlphaEnd | Alpha sweep end point. | 12 |
int | AlphaNpts | Number of points in alpha sweep. | 9 |
double | AlphaStart | Alpha sweep starting point. | -4 |
int | AlternateInputFormatFlag | Flag to use alternate input file format. | 0 |
int | AnalysisMethod | Flag to indicate analysis method (thin vs. thick). | 0 |
int | AutoTimeNumRevs | Number of desired revolutions for computing automatic time step. | 5 |
int | AutoTimeStepFlag | Flag to automatically determine time step. | 1 |
double | BetaEnd | Beta sweep end point. | 0 |
int | BetaNpts | Number of points in Beta sweep. | 1 |
double | BetaStart | Beta sweep starting point. | 0 |
int | CGGeomSet | Geometry set for center of gravity computation. | 0 |
double | Clmax | CL max value. | -1 |
int | ClmaxToggle | Flag to enable stall model. | 0 |
double | FarDist | Far field distance. | -1 |
int | FarDistToggle | Far field distance toggle. | 0 |
int | FixedWakeFlag | Flag to use fixed wake with no relaxation. | 0 |
int | FromSteadyState | Start unsteady solution from steady state. | 0 |
int | GeomSet | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
double | GroundEffect | Height aboe ground. | -1 |
int | GroundEffectToggle | Flag to enable ground effect model. | 0 |
double | HoverRamp | Hover ramp value. | 0 |
int | HoverRampFlag | Flag to enable hover ramp. | 0 |
int | KTCorrection | Compressibility correction enum. | 0 |
double | MachEnd | Mach number sweep end point. | 0.1 |
int | MachNpts | Number of points in Mach number sweep. | 1 |
double | MachStart | Mach number sweep starting point. | 0 |
double | Machref | Reference Mach number. | 0.3 |
int | ManualVrefFlag | Flag to enable setting Vref different from Vinf. | 0 |
int | MassSliceDir | Slicing direction for mass properties. | 0 |
double | MaxTurnAngle | Max turning angle value. | -1 |
int | MaxTurnToggle | Flag to enable max turning model. | 0 |
int | NCPU | Number of processors to use for computation. | 4 |
int | NoiseCalcFlag | Flag to enable noise calculations. | 0 |
int | NoiseCalcType | Noise calculation type enum. | 0 |
int | NoiseUnits | Units ot use for noise calculations. | 0 |
int | NumMassSlice | Number of slices for CG computation. | 10 |
int | NumTimeSteps | Number of time steps in unsteady simulation. | 100 |
int | NumWakeNodes | Number of wake nodes. | 64 |
int | Precondition | Matrix preconditioner mode enum. | 0 |
double | ReCref | Reynolds number sweep starting point. | 4.40.E+06 |
double | ReCrefEnd | Reynolds number sweep end point. | 2.00.E+07 |
int | ReCrefNpts | Number of points in Reynolds number sweep. | 1 |
string | RedirectFile | File to redirect output ('stdout' to console, '' to suppress). | stdout |
int | RefFlag | Flag to control how reference quantities are set. | 1 |
double | Rho | Freestream density. | 0.002377 |
int | RotateBladesFlag | Flag to model propellers or rotors as unsteady rotating blades. | 0 |
double | Sref | Reference area. | 17.882 |
int | Symmetry | Symmetry mode enum. | 1 |
double | TimeStepSize | Unsteady time step. | 0.00125 |
int | UnsteadyType | Stability and control mode enum. | 0 |
double | Vinf | Freestream airspeed. | 30 |
double | Vref | Reference airspeed. | 30 |
int | WakeNumIter | Number of wake iterations. | 5 |
string | WingID | Reference wing GeomID. | |
double | Xcg | X moment reference point. | 2.87 |
double | Ycg | Y moment reference point. | 0 |
double | Zcg | Z moment reference point. | 0.164 |
double | bref | Reference span. | 17.537 |
double | cref | Reference chord. | 0.996 |
input_type | input | input_doc | input_default |
double | Mach | Mach number. | 1.5 |
int | NumRotSects | Number of slices around influence cone. | 10 |
int | NumSlices | Number if axial slices. | 20 |
string | SSFlow_vec | Propulsive face subsurface ID's. | () |
int | Set | Geometry Set for analysis. | 0 |
int | SymmFlag | Symmetry flag. | 1 |